Nice to meet you! I'm Maud, charcoal and graphite artist and passionate about drawing people. People with their peculiarities, emotions and struggles. In short, human beings in all their beauty. Young adults and their relationship to the outside world interest me in particular.
My work is for sale and I'm also available for commissions. Feel free tot contact me for inquiries about my work or for a studio visit. The easiest way to stay informed is through my instagram account.
PORTRETTEKENEN BREDA 4 OCHTENDEN in januari en februari 2025
Update: De dinsdaggroep en de vrijdag groep van februari zijn beide VOL.
Nieuwe portret workshops en portret vrij teken-ochtenden zijn al weer in de planning.
Data nog in overleg dus je kunt je voorkeur nog doorgeven!
ZOMERWEEK Tekenen en Schilderen bij De Plek in Oud Drimmelen van 30 juni t/m 4 juli
Bij Workshops and projects kun je alle informatie vinden.
Kom je ook tekenen of schilderen en genieten van het Griekse leven? Ik ben er van 18 t/m 25 mei en van 25 mei t/m 1 juni.
Ga aan de slag met onderwerpen en materialen naar keuze tijdens deze workshops.
Heb je in het bijzonder interesse in portrettekenen, dan kun je je daar in verdiepen, zelfs als je daar nog geen ervaring mee hebt.
Bij Workshops and projects kun je er meer over lezen.
Direct boeken kan op de site van www.griekenlandaanzee.nl
Voor een indruk van de sfeer staan hieronder leuke foto's van de portret tekengroep in Griekenland van 2024:

Below some of my larger, recent drawings. Details, process shots and framed works on drawings page.
Transformer (burnished charcoal, private collection)
Transformer; No longer a child, not yet an adult. Geared up and ready to deal with the challenges of the outside world.
I'm very honoured that his drawing was nominated for De Nederlandse Portretprijs 2023 and was exhibited in Slot Zeist during the summer of 2023.
For Transformer and Charcoal Angels below I used a sanding technique to burnish the charcoal in heavy paper instead of just drawing on the surface. The process is time consuming and labor intensive but it opens new possibilities for detailing and makes the drawing more intense and durable.

Charcoal angels (burnished charcoal, 2022, available)
Dimensions: 87x70 cm framed (wooden frame with museum glass)
Children absorbed in carefree play together, resulting in something amazing.
This large charcoal drawing is based on a children’s art project in which art was combined with music. Movements that started of hesitant, eventually synchronized and melted together in amazing drawings.

Pressure (2022, available)
Dimensions: 109x86 cm framed (wooden frame with museum glass)
Large charcoal drawing that I created using charcoalpencil on heavyweight paper.
I'm proud that "Pressure" was selected for the 2023 London Art Biennale in Chelsea in the beautiful venue of Chelsea Old Town Hall.
'Pressure" was also selected and listed for the 2024 Almenara Art Prize.
This drawing will also be available in a limited series of high quality art prints. Please send me a message if you might be interested.