Maud Masselink beeldende kunst
Maud Masselink.jpeg

Nice to meet you! I'm Maud, charcoal and graphite artist and passionate about drawing people. My drawings often zoom in on young adults and their relationship to the rapidly changing outside world.

After a busy 2023, I spend the first months of 2024 working on new ideas and starting some cool new projects. 

Feel free tot contact me for inquiries about my work or for a studio visit. The easiest way to stay informed is through my instagram account.

Below are some of my larger, recent drawings. For more details, processhots and framed works, as well as other drawings; please check out the drawings page. 



Ik ben gevraagd om van 2 t/m 9 juni een workshopweek portrettekenen te geven voor Miniati Reizen aan de prachtige Griekse kust. We besteden onder andere aandacht aan de constructie van het hoofd en de kleinere vormen, licht/donker, materiaalgebruik en aan hoe je je tekening expressie geeft. We gaan werken met houtskool en houtskoolpotlood.

Er zijn nog plekken vrij dus je bent van harte welkom! Ervaring is niet vereist.

Dit is de directe link naar de portrettekenpagina van Miniati Reizen. Je kunt nu profiteren van de lentekorting van 100 euro.

Miniati is een Nederlands bedrijf en sinds 1994 gespecialiseerd in kunstvakanties. Vluchten vertrekken vanaf Eindhoven Airport. Vanaf 18 mei starten de diverse workshopweken. Als je geïnteresseerd bent, neem dan zeker een kijkje op hun website!


(I have been asked to teach a workshopweek for Miniati Reizen on the beautiful Greek coast from June 2 till June 9. There are still spots available so come join us!

This is the direct link to the Miniati Reizen portraitdrawing page. You can take advantage of the springdiscount of 100 euros from now on. 

Miniati is a Dutch company specialized in art holidays since 1994. Flights depart from Eindhoven Airport. There are several courses starting from the 18th of may. If you are interested, please have a look on their website!)



Transformer, charcoal portrait


Transformer (burnished charcoal, private collection)

Transformer; No longer a child, not yet an adult. Geared up and ready to deal with the challenges of the outside world.

I'm very honoured that his drawing was nominated for De Nederlandse Portretprijs 2023 and was exhibited in Slot Zeist during the summer of 2023.

For Transformer and Charcoal Angels below I used a sanding technique to burnish the charcoal in heavy paper instead of just drawing on the surface. The process is time consuming and labor intensive but it opens new possibilities for detailing and makes the drawing more intense and durable.



Charcoal drawing Charcoal angels


Charcoal angels (burnished charcoal, 2022, available)

Dimensions: 87x70 cm framed (wooden frame with museum glass)

Children absorbed in carefree play together, resulting in something amazing. 

This large charcoal drawing is based on a children’s art project in which art was combined with music. Movements that started of hesitant, eventually synchronized and melted together in amazing drawings. 




Pressure (2022, available)

Dimensions: 109x86 cm framed (wooden frame with museum glass)


Large charcoal drawing that I created using charcoalpencil on heavyweight paper.

I'm proud that "Pressure" was selected for the 2023 London Art Biennale in Chelsea in the beautiful venue of Chelsea Old Town Hall.